Friday, October 25, 2013


The majority of situations we face are complex and that's great. We can turn around our life's Rubik cube until we reach an acceptable compromise, an exit we can live with.

But things that are truly important usually have just a few large pieces and most of the times it seems a daunting task to position a triangle in such a way everybody would see a square. Solving such a puzzle requires one to perform some kind of alchemy, to take the elements and change their very essence into something new. The huge problem is not actually doing it, but making everybody else see the change for what it is now; or believing in what your vision of how things would change, believing in the process instead of discrete states.

I have a beautiful happy daughter. She understands very little of what is about to happen. I can offer her everything a child could ever wish -literally everything- BUT her dad and mom being together. And that makes me very sad, although I know she'll be ok - not feeling perfect, but ok. I find it very difficult she cannot understand, I find it hard and frustrating that I have all the tools to make her mind safe from almost every assumption -  but she is not there yet, at almost 4.

My mind is telling me I cannot make her happy and be myself happy in the same time.

But my soul, deep inside, is telling me that my mind is norrow, my logic incapable of leaps of faith large enough to be real, and yet improbable in scientific terms. I know I'll be happy, I just feel it somehow.

We both have to be patient.

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