Thursday, February 18, 2010

Penguin turned pinguin

"Let thy be a bilingual blogger"
yes master, creator of all things!!
HahaHA! From now on you'll write every single day!!
yes master, I will!!
And I will have the right to decide your topics!
Yes master, to a certain extent...
NO!! you'll be the writing hand, I'll be the will behind it!!
Yes master, only that I have wings, remember?! I asked for hands and fingers, but y Silence! From now on, you will only write what and when I ask you to!! Who's the master of all things?!???
YOU, my Master! -in writing- if I may, can I start my own topics when YOU'll be away commanding other bloggers?
Don't you know, in your stupidity, that I can be on many, many blogs in the same time? That I and only I put thoughts in the hands -or wings, whateva'- of all bloggers in the whole univers? that I, for example, right in this dimension you call time, am reading the Playboy edition-ups, maybe I shouldn't have said that-hmmhmmm -- the SIENCE Magazine from 24 Nov 2053?
I had absolutely no idea Playboy will still be published in 2053. Thant's not significant, you pathetic little ant!!
Master of all Things, if you're coming up with the words I'm writing right now, why do you still need me?So that you can appreciate Me, you lucky ingrate vermin!
ok, but isn't that a little s.. a little s... pathetic! "selfish" you wanted to say? HAHA! Who's the Master of ALL?
Who's the Master of ALL THINGS??
hey, Death, look, sorry to bother you, did you by any chance visit the penguin blogger? again, sorry, I know you're kind of busy...
Are you out of your mind? what year are we talking about?
aaa, 2010
just asking, what's the date on that Playboy you're reading?
2053... shit, sorry, I'll go back to 2010, don't bit yourself, my bad again...

in the meanwhile...

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